The search for Barossa’s next young ambassador has commenced, with registrations for the influential Barossa Young Ambassador programme now open, ahead of the 2023 Barossa Vintage Festival.
The programme has a strong reputation for nurturing and supporting Barossa’s next generation of change-markers, innovators and thought leaders.
Over the last 20 years, the programme has supported around 150 young people develop new skills and forge new career paths that contribute to the growth and sustainability of the Barossa.
Applications for the 2023 Barossa Vintage Festival Young Ambassador Programme are now open with enthusiastic, motivated and passionate young adults of the Barossa community encouraged to apply.
Held in conjunction with the 2023 Barossa Vintage Festival (April 14 – 18), the programme aims to provide participants with mentoring opportunities and reward excellence in young adults who have an interest in promoting and developing the rich and diverse culture of the Barossa region.
Over nine-months of opportunities are created for the young adult participants to undertake training and networking in the local community, develop leadership skills, establish new friendships and to actively participate in hosting and promoting the 2023 Barossa Vintage Festival, with some fantastic rewards and incentives along the way.
Barossa Young Ambassador advisor/mentor, Jenny O’Brien said, “It’s exciting to be on the lookout for the next young ambassador for the region.
“The programme is hugely rewarding, giving participants an opportunity to enhance their understanding, appreciation and love for Barossa’s wine, food, heritage, culture, arts and tourism, as well as assert themselves as the future leaders for the region.
“The success and growth of our previous Young Ambassadors has been overwhelming.
“To look across the region and see these highly skilled individuals excelling in their chosen fields and contributing to the growth of the region, highlights the importance and value of this programme.
“Our 2021 Barossa Young Ambassador, Abbey Underwood is the perfect example of how this programme creates a platform for personal growth and opportunity.”
Nominations now open for the 2023 Barossa Vintage Festival Young Ambassador Program.