Top feature plants for large outdoor pots
A feature plant in a large, attractive pot is an excellent way to make a statement in the garden. They create drama and a focal point in the garden and can help to give dull areas a real boost.
Nurtured by Nature
Gardening: “The activity of tending and cultivating a garden” - Oxford dictionary. I think this definition can be enhanced by not only tending and cultivating a garden, but that gardening also encompasses tending to ourselves and our own wellbeing.
Berry good for you!
For any gardener, picking handfuls of fresh, sweet homegrown berries over the warmer months is one of life’s simple and delicious pleasures. The hardest thing is getting them inside and not being tempted to eat them all straight off the plant!
Native blooms
Using Australian native flowers in floristry and floral art is bang on trend right now. Here are a few favourite Australian native flowers used in bouquets and styling.
Planting by the moon
Gardening by the moon is not a new concept, and no, it doesn’t mean gardening in the middle of the night! It has been around for a very long time and in recent times, has had a resurgence in popularity.
Nibble proof plants
Country living often means sharing our gardens with the local wildlife, even if sometimes, that wildlife isn’t always invited.
Gardening can be difficult at times When faced with hungry rabbits, possums and kangaroos. Kristee Semmler of Barossa Nursery shares some tips and plants types that can help to minimise damage in your garden.
Stop and smell the roses
Growing roses here in the Barossa is easy. They are well suited to our climate and with the right position and care, put on a great floral show throughout the warmer months.
Something a little different
No doubt at one time or another we have all enjoyed fruits such as apples, pears, watermelon, apricots and strawberries from the shops, our own gardens or local orchards. However, sometimes it’s nice to try something a little different, or better yet, grow something a little different.
Growing your own herbs at home
Widely used in cooking, herbs are a great and easy way to elevate your home cooking to the next level.