
Supporting healthy blood sugar

health and wellbeing

Supporting healthy blood sugar

words by
lee teusner // go vita tanunda

Keen to maintain healthy blood sugar?

Naturopath, Peter Balogh, suggests. the mineral chromium could make a big difference.

Healthy macronutrient metabolism and blood sugar requires a combination of a balanced, nutritious diet and daily physical activity.

A healthy lifestyle brings the rewards, because what you do consistently is going to lead to results.

Begin by getting the basics right

This includes:

• A balanced diet of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

• A variety of nutrient-dense plant foods.

• Daily exercise.

• Plenty of water.

• Managing your stress levels.

If you’ve ticked all those boxes but still need extra assistance in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and metabolising macronutrients (ie. fats, sugars, carbohydrates and proteins), chromium could provide that extra support.

Introducing chromium

Chromium plays a critical role in blood sugar maintenance and the metabolism of macronutrients.

Chromium levels can fluctuate in people whose diets contain large quantities of sugars and/or carbohydrates, because the chromium available is used up to help break down these macronutrients.

Chromium may also be required more by people who regularly engage in high levels of aerobic exercise, because the body requires chromium in order to be able to perform this type of activity.

The hormone, insulin is central to the body’s ability to use sugars (glucose).

Chromium’s role in maintaining healthy blood sugar is due in part to its role of helping insulin to be sensitive to the presence of sugars in the blood which are waiting to be used for energy.

Healthy diet and lifestyle behaviours can sometimes fall by the wayside.

Getting back on top of your good habits might be hard at first and your body might even resist beneficial changes – but it’s important to make a start.

Try implementing strategies like eating more vegetables, reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates, and cutting out or changing afternoon snack attacks.

If you still feel you need extra assistance, chromium could be the missing link that makes all the difference. Incorporate chromium-rich foods in your daily diet.

If your diet is inadequate, choose a supplement that provides 200mcg of chromium per dose, and take it three times a day.

For most adults, this dose is sufficient to help the metabolism of fats, sugars and proteins, and to break down fats eaten in the diet and maintain healthy blood sugar.

Our wish is help you achieve your goals and ensuring you are the healthiest you can be.

Pop in to Go Vita Tanunda and speak to one of the Naturopaths or Natural Health Consultants for personalised wellness advice, tailored to you.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Nutritional supplements should not replace a healthy balanced diet.

Lee Teusner

go vita tanunda

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