A ‘mostly’ portrait and ‘brief’ interview series by Pete Thornton exploring the idea that one image has the power to tell the whole story. Each ‘sitter’ suggests the next person to be photographed in this series, and thus ensues an interesting and unknown trail of Barossa identities to come.

Stay tuned… Pete.

Stefan Ahrens, Image by Pete Thornton of What Pete Shot. The first in a series of portraits to come on Barossa identities.

Stefan Ahrens, the 4th generation of the Ahrens family engineering and construction empire, rarely sits on a welding rig, getting hands on and dirty these days.

Now sitting at the helm of the company, Stefan still remembers his time on the tools and firmly believes in the power of the people who work within the business to achieve great things and that you are nothing without the team behind you.

Ahrens is on a massive growth curve, employing some 800 people across 24 sites nationally. What remains unchanged is a desire to be one large supportive family, where employees can see a future, feel part of something worthwhile and can contribute to creating something great.

With its national head office and proud history based here in the Barossa Valley, they are proof that the old adage ‘from little things, big things grow’ remains true today.

For a more in-depth understanding of the company, you can check out the Ahrens corporate video here
